Ok, it has been a over a week since I blogged. This will just be a bit of everything I wanted to write about but haven't had the time.
I turned it sideways, and use the large photo space to display three photos.
This will be the title page for the Disney World album from my 2010 trip! I plan to do it in a project life style, so I can use all my photos and get it done quickly!
Next, I created a few cards. The first one was for my Pastor (whom I adore). He blacked out and totaled his car. He has some injuries, but is still alive, thank God!! The other two were for the chocolate shop I work at.
Now, onto non-paper-crafty things. . .
Lately, my husband has been creating these wonderful desserts by using whatever we have on hand. They are tremendous! This was a chocolate/Nutella crust with a Blood Orange and spice Greek Yogurt and Avacado toppings. Topped with honey and cinnamon. It sounds awful, but it was delicious! (It doesn't look so good, either. . .)
I told him that I'm not good doing things by the seat of my pants. I don't just come up with things, so the other night, he challenged me. He picked out some ingredients, and told me to see what I could do. He gave me a few suggestions, and then let me go. It was interested. He wanted me to include: bacon, graham crackers, almonds, Nutella, Paprika, cinnamon, Orange Liquor, and Golden Raisins. He said Orange Liquor was optional, and I could just add the raisins to his if I didn't want them. Ok, I was challenged. Here are the ingredients. Sorry for the bad photo- my phone was cooperating, and the better picture I thought I took, didn't come out:

He suggested making a crust with the bacon and the almonds. I cooked and crushed the bacon and nuts and added Nutella and the graham crackers and a little honey to make the crust. Then, I sliced some peaches and bananas and layered them on the crust. I created a sauce with plain Greek yogurt, the cinnamon, the paprika, the Orange Liquor, and a little honey and put that on top. I sprinkled it with raisins:
The sauce was incredible, and it went well with the other flavors! I was very excited. Could I make it again? I don't know, but it felt good to meet the challenge!
I'm still working on my art room. I'm trying to make it as efficient as possible. I've been trying to rearrange and/or purge my scrapbook embellishments.
What a mess! I had no idea I had so much stuff! Crazy! Now, I have to decide just how much I will use. I'm trying to come up with ways to repurpose some older embellishments. I have a few ideas, but what a mess!!! I got overwhelmed and fed up, and I just stuffed it all into a box. I'll deal with it later!
Recently, we've noticed on our drive from church, that a Bennigan's was coming soon! I was ecstatic! I was so bummed when they closed. Well, we went last night. I got an Emerald Isle Club! YUM!!! So glad Bennigan's is back!
Also, yesterday, my first 'kit' from
Studio Calico arrived! I put 'kit' in quotes because I didn't get the main kit nor do I have a subscription. I simply ordered the Six String add-on. It came yesterday!!!
Isn't it gorgeous?? I'm so excited to play with it, but I have so much else to do today! Soon! I will get to play soon!
I hope you have a great day! I'll be back as soon as I can!!!!!!